Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Want answers to popular questions being asked about smog inspection? You are in the right place. If you don’t see a question you would like answered, please submit it!

What paperwork do I need to bring with me to get my vehicle inspected?

The preferred paper work to bring is the DMV renewal notice you received in the mail. Don’t have that, no problem, I can also use en expired registration. Don’t have that, no problem. I run into a “I have no paperwork what so ever” situation often and I am able to use your vehicles VIN number and license plate to generate paper work for your inspection.

How long does a Smog Inspection take to perform?

Typically from the time you arrive, to walking out of the door is approximately 10-20 minutes. The time really depends on the year/ type of vehicle. A large RV will take longer than your passenger car or light duty truck. Also if we get into a good conversation (happens all the time) that will add a few minutes to your overall stay.

How can I help my vehicle pass a Smog Check?

Performing regular maintenance according to your owner’s manual and not tampering with the emissions-control equipment will help improve your vehicle’s chances of passing a Smog Check. If the "check engine" light comes on, get your vehicle repaired as soon as possible—do not wait for the vehicle’s next scheduled Smog Check.

What happens if my vehicle passes the Smog Check?

If your vehicle passes, I will provide you a vehicle inspection report showing your vehicle’s results and will electronically send the smog certificate to DMV. The smog certificate is valid for 90 days.

What Happens if my vehicle fails the inspection?

This is the most frequently asked question I get. I will go over the failed inspection with you and explain in simple terms the failure weather that be an Tailpipe Emissions failure, Check Engine light, Visual/ Functional failure, Visible Smoke, ETC. Vehicles that fail qualify for two California programs that can help with repair assistance and vehicle retirement. Also DMV can issue a registration extension so you not “driving dirty” while you get your vehicle repaired. I’m sure you have all seen the “RED” sticker on a vehicles rear window, Yup that’s the registration extension sticker (DMV fees apply for that one).

Where do I get my Failed vehicle repaired?

Ultimately the decision has to be yours. As the vehicle owner you can fix it yourself if you so choose. There is a California law the requires the vehicles owner to make repairs, or repairs need to be performed at a licensed Smog Check Repair Facility. The whole “repaired at a licensed Smog Check Repair facility” often doesn’t happen and in the long run you suffer as the customer. Licensed Smog Check Repair facilities have technicians that are not only trained in repairing your vehicles emissions control systems, but have the necessary equipment and resources for making said repairs.

YES! NorCal Auto does offer diagnostic and repair services to emissions control systems on most vehicles.

Why does my 2001 Ford F-350 (with a V10 gas engine) need an emissions test, and why did I fail for “Monitors” at another facility when this hasn’t been a problem prior?

This is an interesting scenario I get from time to time. A "Federally Certified (key words there) “Heavy” vehicle (Trucks, RV’s, UPS Trucks) have whats called OBDI. OBDI is a primitive computer system for a fuel injected vehicle. Most of the time the vehicle is not identified correctly in the inspection system. That mistake causes the inspection equipment to query the “Monitor Status” on those particular vehicles causing a failed smog check inspection. NorCal Auto knows how to correctly identify and inspect all vehicles (YES even those federally certified).

How do I get to your shop?

NorCal Auto is located at 5050 Cohasset Rd Unit#21. Check out the actual drive video below. From Eaton Rd its about 2 minutes.

Why does a California Vehicle Safety Inspection cost so much?

A California Vehicle Safety Inspection takes several hours to perform. The inspection is more than just making sure the brake lights work and the vehicle stops. There is a partial disassembly of the vehicle’s braking system that gets performed on ALL vehicles that takes quite some time to perform. I will need your vehicle for a minimum of 3 hours!!! ALL vehicles will be charged for inspection whether it passes or fails! Full payment is due prior to inspection!!

Can I leave my vehicle prior to my inspection? Like a “Night Drop”.

Due to parking availability at NorCal Auto, I typically do not take “night drop” or early drop off’s. That being said, If you really, really, really need to drop your vehicle off prior to your appointment, arrangements can be made. Vehicles left without keys or prior arrangements are subject to tow and impound at your cost!

What Forms of payment do you accept?

All of them! Cash, All Major Credit Cards (no additional fees for using a card), Local checks, Apple Pay, Robot Pay, etc. Payment is easy at NorCal Auto!

Are you a STAR Certified Smog Inspection Station?

Yes, NorCal Auto is a Star certified Smog Inspection Station. I can also perform “Test Only” inspections too.

What is a Smog Check?

A Smog Check is an inspection of a vehicle’s emissions-control equipment and systems to measure the amount and type of pollutants the vehicle is emitting. A Smog Check may include any of the following inspections, depending on the vehicle type and model year:

  • Visual inspection of emissions-control equipment and systems.

  • Functional inspection of the vehicle’s check engine light, ignition timing, exhaust gas recirculation system, fuel evaporative system, and gas cap.

  • Functional inspection of the vehicle’s on-board diagnostic (OBD) system.

  • Tailpipe emissions inspection.

Will California be notified if my vehicle fails inspection?

The simple answer, YES. All Smog Inspection stations are linked electronically with a state data base the stores ALL inspection results. I, nor does any Smog Technician have a choice in this. This is not a bad thing as California uses all inspection results to track the effectiveness of the program. Keep in mind, “the man” isn’t going to show up at your door and give you a hard time.

What is a pre-test? And does NorCal Auto offer that?

A pretest, or pre-inspection, is an unofficial test performed by a station to help identify emissions-related problems prior to an official Smog Check. Following a pretest, the station will provide a vehicle inspection report showing the vehicle’s results; however, a smog certificate will not be issued.

NorCal Auto does not offer pre-test inspections.

Because a Smog Certificate does not get issued on a pre-test inspection, I personally feel its a waste of both my time and yours. A pre-test inspection takes just as long as performing the official inspection, and it doubles the price. Therefor I prefer to run a complete inspection the first time to save time and get the whole picture once. I have performed pre-test inspections at other stations that I have worked at and some vehicles fail the official inspection after running the pre-test, no idea why, its just what I have personally seen.

What is a “Tampered” emission control system?

Tampered simply means your vehicle came with a component that is either missing, modified, or its original factory design has been altered. A perfect example is your vehicle came with a catalytic converter and someone (not pointing any fingers) has removed said part. Tampering/ Modifying and purposefully altering an emission control component is illegal per both Federal law and California law. So please don’t that.

Can NorCal Inspect a “Gross Polluter” vehicle?

Yes, NorCal Auto is authorized through STAR certification to inspect and certify a Gross Polluting vehicles.

What are your hours?

Typically NorCal Auto operates Monday - Thursday, 8:30 - 4:00. The “Book Appointment” feature will have the most accurate times and days when inspection times are available. Fridays are the “catch up” day for diagnostic overflow from the week. If there is no over flow expected I will unlock Friday smog inspection appointment times Wednesday at 5:00pm. Appointment times for Saturday will unlock once a month.

Federally Certified Vehicle Statement

Some vehicles (mostly heavy duty trucks & RV’s) starting in 1996 had an OBDI computer system, this followed past the 2000 model year in these vehicles. These particular vehicles are usually (not always) Federally Certified. Typically a vehicle with a GVWR of 14,000 pounds and over will have the OBDI system (there are some trucks that are under 14,000 that are also OBDI). Because most Heavy Vehicles have this unique computer system it needs to be correctly identified in the inspection equipment first and fore most. 2000 and newer Heavy Vehicles that have an OBDI style computer system will require an emmissions test be performed on a BAR-97 test platform. These Heavy Vehicles with OBDI will be charged $100.